
Maintaining Hope When the World Seems Hopeless

In Psalm 42 and many other parts of the Bible, Christians are encouraged to put their hope in God. Many Christians exhort other people to hold onto hope when they are not sure how to tap into it in their own lives. We hope our tips can help you refill your reservoir on the days the world seems anything but hopeful.

Recognize Hope Is God’s Gift to You

Hope is not a fruit of the Spirit that Christians develop as a result of sanctification. It is a gift from God Himself—in fact, it is a characteristic of God. In Romans 15:13, Paul calls God the God of hope. God often allows suffering in our lives so we can grow closer to Him. Yet He never wants us to stay hopeless. He wants us to focus on the blessings and future He offers, both here and in heaven. As your hope increases, you will be better able to develop fruits like peace and joy.

Focus on Hopeful Things

The world gives us no shortage of hopelessness. Every day the news brings us tragic stories. Sometimes, focusing on the positive can help us counteract the hopelessness we feel. Turn off the news; go for a walk instead. Eat a healthy snack instead of junk food. Praise your children for the good they do.


Hopelessness creeps in when we feel isolated, so make sure you are getting enough social time. Go to church and participate in uplifting activities like Bible study or volunteer work. Go out for coffee with a friend, or schedule date night with your spouse.

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