Health Living Well

10 Fun Ways to Get Exercise in the Fall

Depending on where you live in the country, the weather may be starting to change, or is changing already! The air is getting cool and crisp. Leaves are starting to turn golden, amber, and crimson colors and the Lord’s majesty is seen in a whole new way as summer begins to turn over into autumn.

But even though it’s a lot of fun to bundle up under a blanket with hot chocolate this time of year doesn’t mean that it’s time to hibernate just yet! Here are 10 fun ways to get moving and get your heart beating this fall:

Go to a pumpkin patch — With all of the festivities that come with fall, try going to a pumpkin patch. Make sure to walk the whole thing and, if you’re lucky, you can even do a corn maze to get some extra steps in.

Rake those leaves — Did you know that raking leaves can burns 120 calories per hour for a 125 pound person? What a great way to get something productive checked off of your to do list and to burn some extra calories!

Go to the park — Enjoy the trees and beautiful air at a local park. Go for a walk or toss around a frisbee with a friend or loved one.

Join a bootcamp — Since the kids are all going back to school, maybe it’s time for a new semester for you! Look into options at your local gym and you’ll be amazed with the results.

Go for a hike or bike ride with a friend — Particularly if you live in an area that has trails, there is no better way to get out in nature and enjoy the beautiful leaves.

Get active while watching TV — Okay, so it does get darker a little earlier in the evening and you might not be comfortable getting out in the dark. That’s okay! Instead of going to out to exercise, try doing a set of exercises during your favorite TV shows. Do a series of planks, pushups, squats, or even just stretches during the commercials! Walking in place never hurt anyone either!

Join in some football — Fall means SEC and NFL for many Americans! If you don’t already know the rules of the game, watch a few games and then invite some friends to play a no-tackle version at a local park or at your church if there is space. 

Get a new workout DVD — If the cool weather isn’t your favorite thing, try a new workout DVD or look up “yoga,” “pilates,” or “indoor exercise” on Youtube.

Try a dance class — Your local YMCA, community center, or any other number of places are probably offering dance classes ranging from ballroom to Zumba styles. Try it, you might like it!

Volunteer for a church Fall Festival — Many parents, believers and non-believers alike, love going to Fall Festivals at local churches because they provide a safe alternative to trick-or-treating. Often the setup and teardown efforts don’t get enough volunteers and are a great way to get a workout in!

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