Entertainment Living Well

Ideas for Cheap Date Nights

Has it been a while since you and your significant have gone out on a date?

It doesn’t matter if you’ve been very busy or you just have had a hard time finding a babysitter, it’s really important to get some time away from you responsibilities and to just have fun together!

If you’re on a budget, though, sometimes going on a date feels even harder! But good news! Date don’t have to be expensive if you’re willing to get creative. Here are a few ideas for cheap date nights that you can do right away!

At Home Italian Tour

Take a tour of Italy with your significant other right from the comfort of your own kitchen. Look up recipes to make pasta: It doesn’t matter if it’s simple spaghetti or ravioli, you can make it at home for pennies on the dollar of what it would cost to eat out. Don’t forget dessert and maybe a fun movie either set in Italy or where the characters are from Italy.

Workout Together

It doesn’t matter if it’s just a walk on a new trail or doing a yoga video on youtube together, working out is a great way to get those endorphins flowing and to really connect with each other!

Have a Bake Off

Have Netflix? Watch a few episodes of The Great British Baking Show for inspiration and then get what you need to bake something new together!

Go Window Shopping

Who says you have to spend any money when you go to the mall? What if you went window shopping for your dream furniture or tried on outfits for a fancy date night that you might go on someday. Shopping together can be a great way to learn what your significant other likes and cares about in their daily life.

Do a Project Together

It doesn’t matter if it’s putting together a shelf from IKEA, painting a bathroom, or any other DIY project, you’d be surprised how much you connect over doing accomplishing something together.

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